'SAHAYATA' distributes free medicines to the needy patients admitted in Maharaja Yashwant Rao Hospital and other Centers and to the outdoor patients. Every day around 2,000 patients in Indore and 18,000 patients in other Centers get benefited through this. This arrangement is made through physician samples from senior doctors of the city and purchasing medicines from the market.
Expensive tests like C.T. Scan and M.R.I. are made available through 'SAHAYATA' not only on reduced rates but also free of cost as per the requirement. On an average 500 C.T. Scan, 100 M.R.I. and 2000 other tests are being done every month.
'SAHAYATA' is operating the "On-Call Blood Donation Scheme" since 1994. 200 units of blood are donated every month by 2000 volunteer donors under this scheme. Persons desiring to join this stream voluntarily get the benefits of HIV, HBS, Ag, VDRL, MP tests free which cost around Rs. 1500/-. The organization also presents donors with mementos to encourage and honor them.
In this stream, arrangements have made for providing pregnant ladies with "Special High Protein Nutritious Wholesome Diet". around 600 to 700 pregnant ladies are being provided a wholesome diet every month in this scheme.
The organization provides a wholesome diet in the form of soya biscuits to around 600 extremely weak patients every month.
For the past 11 years 'SAHAYATA' is organizing Plastic Surgery Camps. These camps are sponsored by renowned Plastic Surgeon of America, Padmashree Dr. Shared Kumar Dixit and Dr. Satish Vyas for the needy villagers. Plastic surgery has been carried out of around 3250 children belonging from the remote villages, who have cut lips, squint eyes, Scars, burn marks, etc.
2-3 camps are organized every year for the treatment of blindness. under this transplantation of the intraocular lens is done free of cost.
22 trucks aid was sent for the victims of the cyclone hit Orissa which includes pulses rice blankets, clothes, tarpaulins, medicines, and other essential items totaling a weight of 250 metric tons. 'SAHAYATA' not only performed its duty by sending the essential aid but also sent 10 members of the organization along with it, who remained in Orissa for a full 11 days and offered their voluntary services.
'SAHAYATA' was the first non-government organization to reach Gujarat an offered its services to the earthquake-affected people. Medicines worth Rs.20 lakh, 'SAHAYATA' collected an amount of Rs. 25 lakh for the rehabilitation of earthquake affected people.
Read More''SAHAYATA' makes available clothes, calipers, spectacles, walkers and other essential items required for surgeries the patients.
The organization has also made available medical instruments worth around RS. 1 crore to various departments of M.Y. Hospital and other hospitals.
SAHAYATA has played an important role in providing the Sonography machine, air-conditioning of blood bank in M.Y. Hospital, Audio-Video system in MGM Medical College and in arranging donation from the famous donor Shri Deepchand Gardi for the upliftment of district Hospital, Ujjain.
Read More'SAHAYATA' Organization is operating four 'SAHAYATA' dispensaries in four different areas of Indore, where free consultation and medicines are made available by senior doctors. The main objective behind this effort is that the services of 'SAHAYATA' organization should be available to every poor and needy person within a maximum distance of around two to two and a half kilometers. Treatment is made available to around 200-300 patients every day under this scheme.
Read More'SAHAYATA' Organization is operating four 'SAHAYATA' dispensaries in four different areas of Indore, where free consultation and medicines are made available by senior doctors. The main objective behind this effort is that the services of 'SAHAYATA' organization should be available to every poor and needy person within a maximum distance of around two to two and a half kilometers.
Read MoreTo innovate and strengthen programs of social relief inspired by the vision of "Manav Seva is Madhav Seva".